The claimed characteristics of the materials sold by us may differ only for the better
Mastic bitumen-rubber “Stroymast”
Usage: Mastic roofs, Parking of cars, Strengthening of asphalt-concrete seam, Waterproofing of flat roofs, Waterproofing of foundations, Waterproofing of industrial seams
Mastic bituminous rubber “Stroymast” is designed for any waterproofing work, produced outdoors. The composition of the mastic is SBS-modified bitumen, technological additives, mineral fillers, as well as an organic solvent (the presence of which excludes the use of mastic for internal waterproofing operations). It is an inexpensive equivalent of Tekhnonikol mastic # 20.
Mastic bitumen-rubber № 20
Usage: Inversion roofs, Mastic roofs, Parking of cars, Strengthening of asphalt-concrete seam, Waterproofing of flat roofs, Waterproofing of foundations, Waterproofing of industrial seams
Mastic bituminous-rubber № 20 is designed for any waterproofing work, produced outdoors. The composition of the mastic is SBS-modified bitumen, technological additives, mineral fillers, as well as an organic solvent (the presence of which excludes the use of mastic for internal waterproofing operations). A special feature of the mastic is its high hardness when drying, as well as a high temperature range of application (can be stacked at -20 to +40 degrees)
Mastic Hot Bituminous Rubber MBR
Usage: Parking of cars, Strengthening of asphalt-concrete seam, Waterproofing of bridges, Waterproofing of expansion joints, Waterproofing of flat roofs, Waterproofing of foundations, Waterproofing of industrial seams, Waterproofing of road surfaces
Roofing mastic of hot application Eureka No. 41 is designed for effective repair and flat roofing, but can also be used for waterproofing steel structures, concrete blocks, columns, concrete building blocks and pipelines. The use of hot waterproof mastics is more effective and durable than the use of cold mastics because of the greater liquidity of the material
Indicator name Unit. measurements Normative value MBR-65 MBR-75 MBR-90 MBR-100 Softening temperature according to the KiS method, not less than оС 65 75 90 100 Depth of penetration of the needle at 25 оС, not less than 0,1 mm 40 30 20 15 -||- Растяжимость при 25 оС, не менее cm 4 4 3 2 -||- Водонасыщение за 24 ч, не более % 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 Application temperature, within 0С +5 to -30
+15 to -15
+35 to -5
От +40 to -5 – Mastic hot bituminous-rubber MBR 75 ZKM
Usage: Parking of cars, Strengthening of asphalt-concrete seam, Waterproofing of bridges, Waterproofing of expansion joints, Waterproofing of flat roofs, Waterproofing of foundations, Waterproofing of industrial seams, Waterproofing of road surfaces
Hot bitumen – rubber mastic consists of petroleum bitumen, rubber crumb and plasticizer with a softening temperature of 75 grains, produced at the Kostroma waterproofing materials plant, is an inexpensive analogue of MBM mastic from Technonikol. It is intended for the device of waterproofing and anticorrosion protection of underground pipelines, and also for sealing of cracks and seams on flat roofs. Available in several modifications, differing in density and strength characteristics.
Indicator name Unit. measurements Normative value MBR-75 Softening temperature according to the KiS method, not less than оС 75 Depth of penetration of the needle at 25 оС, not less than 0,1 mm 30 Extensibility at 25 оС, not less than см 4 Water saturation for 24 hours, no more than % 0,2 Application temperature, within 0С От +15 до -15