The claimed characteristics of the materials sold by us may differ only for the better
Polymer – bitumen binder (PBW)
Polymer – bitumen binder (PBW) is used in the construction of roads in order to prevent the formation of rut and impart a crack resistance to the roadway. Of particular relevance is the use of WSP in the construction of high-loaded highways, aerodrome bands, as well as bridges and tunnels. The use of polymer-bitumen binder also gives corrosion resistance. The service life of the road surface with the use of PBW is more than 2 times longer than the life of pavements constructed using standard road bitumen.
The name of indicators Norms for brands Test methods PBV 300 PBV 200 PBV 130 PBV 90 PBV 60 PBV 40 The penetration depth of the needle, 0.1 mm, not less than: at 25ºС 300 200 130 90 60 40 GOST 11501-78 at 0ºС 90 70 50 40 32 25 GOST 11501-78 Softening point on the ring and ball, ºС, not lower than 45 47 49 51 54 56 GOST 11506-73 Extensibility, cm, not less than: at 25ºС 30 30 30 30 25 15 GOST 11505-75 at 0ºС 25 25 20 15 11 8 GOST 11505-75 Temperature of brittleness, ºС, not higher -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 GOST 11501-78 Elasticity,%, not less than: at 25ºС 85 85 85 85 80 80 п.7.2.2 GOST 21.810-98 at 0ºС 75 75 75 75 70 70 п.6.2 GOST 52056-2003 Change in softening temperature after warming up, ºС no more than 7 7 6 6 5 5 GOST 18180-72
GOST 11506-73 с доп. по п.3.3Flash point, ºС, not lower than 220 220 220 220 230 230 GOST 4333-87 Coupling with marble or sand Withstands the control sample number 2 GOST 11508-74 (метод А) Uniformity Uniformly п.7.2.1 GOST 21.810-98
п.6.1 GOST 52056-2003
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