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Adhesive bitumen additive "Adgezol"
Read MoreБыстрый просмотрAdhesive bitumen additive “Adgezol”
Bitumen additives Adgezol are used in road construction, construction and repair of road surfaces, the production of bitumen emulsions, in order to increase the adhesion properties of bituminous materials. In addition to increasing adhesion properties, the heat resistance and thermal stability of the final bituminous material also increases. It is used in all climatic zones, from the southern to the extreme north.
Options BND 60/90
DORSO 46-02
Needle penetration 0.1 mm. at 25 ° C
at 0 ° C61-90
30Softening temperature 47
Extensibility at see at 0 ° C 3,5
Brittleness temperature ° С -15
Brittleness temperature ° С 62
Flash point ° С 230
Physical and technical properties of hot compact fine-grained type A of grade I in accordance with GOST 9128-2009
The name of indicators Requirements of GOST 9128-2009 As a result of bitumen Ex. bitumen + 4% Dorso Average density 2,65 2,68 Water saturation,% by volume 2,0-5,0 3,0 2,1 Compressive strength, MPa, at a temperature of + 20 ° C not less than – 2,5 3,7 3,8 +50°С not less than -1,0 1,1 1,3 0°С not less than -11,0 8,4 9,1 Water resistance not less than – 0,90 0,97 1,00 Water resistance for long-term water saturation not less than – 0,85 0,85 0,89 Shear resistance against: – coefficient. Internal friction – shear adhesion at temper. + 50 ° С, MPa not less than – 0,25 0,35 0,44 Fracture resistance according to the prediction of a tensile crack at 0 ° C, deformation rate 50 mm, MPa not less than -3,5 not more than – 6,0 4,8 4,2 Cohesion of bitumen with mineral part of a / b mixture must withstand Withstands Withstands Average depth of track after 20,000 wheel passes, mm according to EN12697.22-: 2003 ** – 4,3 3,1 Rate of track formation, mm / 1000 cycles of loading according to EN12697.22-: 2003 – 0,07 0,05 Results of tests of fine grained asphalt concrete mixture type A of grade I
The name of indicators Requirements of GOST 9128-2009 As a result of bitumen Ex. bitumen + 4% Dorso 1 Average density, g / cm 2,40 2,42 2 Water saturation,% by volume from 2,0 to 5,0 3,1 2,2 3 Compressive strength, MPa at a temperature of 50 °С not less than 1,0 0,90 1,38 at a temperature of 20 °С not less than 2,5 4,45 4,46 at a temperature of 0 °С not more than 11,0 7,34 8,23 4 Water resistance not less than 0,9 0,93 0,96 5 Fracture resistance in tensile strength at cleavage at 0 ° С, MPa от 3,5 до 6,0 3,5 4,2 The results of tests of crushed-mastic asphalt-concrete mixture I SHMA-20
The name of indicators Requirements of GOST 31015-2002 As a result of bitumen Ex. bitumen + 4% Dorso 1 Average density, g / cm 2,61 2,64 2 Water saturation,% by volume 1,0 to 4,0 2,3 1,6 3 Compressive strength, MPa at a temperature of 50 °С not less than 0,65 0,92 1,25 at a temperature of 20 °С not less than 2,2 3,19 3,69 at a temperature of 0 °С not standardized _ _ 4 Water resistance not standardized 5 Fracture resistance in tensile strength at cleavage at 0 ° С, MPa от 2,5 до 6,0 3,2 3,9 BND 60/90
DORSO 46-03
Needle penetration 0.1 mm. at 25 ° C
at 0 ° C61-90
30Softening temperature 47
Extensibility at see at 0 ° C 3,5
Brittleness temperature ° С -15
The plasticity interval Ip ° C 62
Flash point ° С 230
Physical and technical properties of hot compact fine-grained type A of grade I in accordance with GOST 9128-2009
The name of indicators Requirements of GOST 9128-2009 As a result of bitumen Ex. bitumen
+ 4% DorsoAverage density 2,65 2,68 Water saturation,% by volume 2,0-5,0 3,0 2,1 Compressive strength, MPa, at a temperature of + 20 ° C not less than – 2,5 3,7 3,8 +50°С not less than -1,0 1,1 1,3 0°С not less than -11,0 8,4 9,4 Water resistance not less than – 0,90 0,97 1,00 Water resistance for long-term water saturation not less than – 0,85 0,85 0,9 Shear resistance against: – coefficient. Internal friction – shear adhesion at temper. + 50 ° С, MPa not less than – 0,25 0,35 0,44 Fracture resistance according to the prediction of a tensile crack at 0 ° C, deformation rate 50 mm, MPa not less than -3,5 no more than – 6,0 4,8 4,2 Cohesion of bitumen with mineral part of a / b mixture must withstand Withstands Withstands Average depth of track after 20,000 wheel passes, mm according to EN12697.22-: 2003 ** – 4,3 3,0 Rate of track formation, mm / 1000 cycles of loading according to EN12697.22-: 2003 – 0,07 0,05 Results of tests of fine grained asphalt concrete mixture type A of grade I
The name of indicators Requirements of GOST 9128-2009 As a result of bitumen Ex. bitumen
+ 4% Dorso1 Average density, g / cm 2,40 2,42 2 Water saturation,% by volume от 2,0 до 5,0 3,1 2,2 3 Compressive strength, MPa at a temperature of 50 °С not less than – 1,0 0,90 1,38 at a temperature of 20 °С not less than – 2,5 4,45 4,46 at a temperature of 0 °С not less than – 11,0 7,34 8,23 4 Water resistance not less than – 0,9 0,93 0,96 5 Fracture resistance in tensile strength at cleavage at 0 ° С, MPa от 3,5 до 6,0 3,5 4,2 The results of tests of crushed-mastic asphalt-concrete mixture I SHMA-20
The name of indicators Requirements of GOST 31015-2002 As a result of bitumen Ex. bitumen
+ 4% Dorso1 Average density, g / cm 2,61 2,64 2 Water saturation,% by volume от 1,0 до 4,0 2,3 1,6 3 Compressive strength, MPa at a temperature of 50 °С not less than 0,65 0,92 1,25 at a temperature of 20 °С not less than 2,2 3,19 3,69 at a temperature of 0 °С not standardized _ _ 4 Water resistance not standardized 5 Fracture resistance in tensile strength at cleavage at 0 ° С, MPa от 2,5 до 6,0 3,2 4,0 Demarcating machine VA 10L
Demarcating (milling) machine VA 10L – the initial, at the same time, the most compact and manoeuvrable machine in the line of vonarx proizvoditelya. 10L is designed to handle small areas, as well as complex areas near walls and passage elements. The width of the milling is 100 mm. Power source – standard socket 220V, this machine can be fitted with milling cutters up to 250 mm wide. Engine power 4 kW.
Weight, kg 90 – 100 Engine Electric. 3 х 230V / 50Hz Engine power, kW 4,0 Milling width, mm 250 Milling depth, mm 2-3 Overall dimensions, mm 950 х 455 х 1165 Standard equipment Hex Knife Set Demarcating machine VA 25 S
Demarcating (milling) machine VA25S – a powerful model, designed for medium and large volumes of work with a depth of milling to 7 mm, width – 250 mm. The demounting machine VA25S is equipped with a vibration absorber, which provides the operator of the machine with comfortable operating conditions and high efficiency. The machine can be equipped with a gasoline and electric engine. At work different types of knives and inserts can be used, including hexahedral blades 44×6 mm for removal of concrete, paint, unevenness; Hexagon knives 54×6 mm for removal of concrete, paint, unevenness; knives with carbide inserts 57x19mm for removal of plastic markings, knives with carbide inserts 42×22 mm for removal of polyurethane, bitumen, linoleum and roofing.
A type vendor code Weight, kg engine’s type Power,
mmVA 25S 709554 90-100 electric 4,0 250 6-7 VA 25S 706289 90-100 electric 4,0 250 6-7 VA 25S 707335 90-100 petrol 6,0 250 6-7 - You've just added this product to the cart:
Demarcating machine VA 25S Twin
Read MoreБыстрый просмотрDemarcating machine VA 25S Twin
Demarcating (milling) machine VA25S Twin-powerful model, designed for medium and large volumes of work with a depth of milling to 7 mm, in general it is the same model as the VA 25S, but equipped with not one drum, but two. VS25S allows you to work not only more efficiently than in the case of the V25S model, but also use different cutters on the drum, which allows you to do both rough processing and finishing at the same time. This model can be produced with electric (2×4 kW) and diesel (10.5 kW) engines.
A type vendor code Weight, kg engine’s type Power,
mmVA 25S Twin 706265 210-240 electric 2 x 4,0 250 VA 25S Twin 706891 220-260 diesel 10,5 250 Demarcating machine VA 30S
Demarcating (milling) machine VA30S – designed to produce large amounts of work, the width of 300 mm milling, can be equipped with gasoline (6.0 kW), electric (7.5 kW) and diesel (5.6 kW) engines. In all trim levels, it is possible to step-by-step adjust the depth and speed of work. The vibration absorption system allows you to work efficiently and at a faster rate.
A type vendor code Weight, kg engine’s type Power,
mmVA 30S 706267 140-180 electric 7,5 300 VA 30S 707373 140-180 electric 7,5 300 VA 30S 706275 140-180 petrol 6,0 300 VA 30S 706276 140-180 diesel 5,6 300 Demarcating machine VA 30SH
Demarking (milling) machine VA30SH – machine with hydraulic clutch and increased power (up to 9.5 kW) and the manufacturer, designed specifically to perform large amounts of milling and demarcation work, in particular rough surface treatment and shearing of layers. Like all vonarx machines, they are equipped with a vibration absorber that can perform the job safely, efficiently and accurately. It can be supplied with three types of engines: gasoline, electric and diesel.
A type vendor code Weight, kg engine’s type Power,
mmVA 30SH 707199 около 278 electric 7,5 300 14 – 20 VA 30SH 707533 около 278 petrol 9,5 300 14 – 20 VA 30SH 707200 около 278 diesel 5,6 300 14 – 20 VA 30SH 707532 около 278 diesel 7,5 300 14 – 20 Demarcation machine DTF 25
The demarcation machine DTF 25 is a machine equipped with two types of diamond blades (for rough and smooth processing of the material, respectively), its feature is the cooling of the diamond blades during the long operation of the machine, which allows to keep the blades intact and also to ensure an uninterrupted production process at large areas. Equipped with a powerful electric motor of 11 kW.
A type vendor code Weight, kg engine’s type Power,
mmDTF 25 SH 708697 215 electric 11.0 250 SF DTF 25 707534 Side device for DTF 25 and DTF 25 SH Guide rail 701235 Guide device Demarcation machine FR 200
Demarcating (milling) machine FR 200 – a universal model of medium size and power with a depth of milling to 4 mm. The FR200 demarcation machine has several modifications from 1.5 to 4 kW, and the machines of this series can be produced both in electric (220 / 380V) and in petrol version. It is also possible to install various knives and brushes, including a steel brush for removal of old bitumen and other types of materials, hexagonal knives (milling concrete and asphalt), pentahedral knives (milling concrete and asphalt), carbide knives (removal of plastic, polyurethane and rubber ), radial knives (removal of paint from asphalt and concrete)
Type vendor code Weight, kg engine’s type Power,
mmFR 200 707421 39-46 electric 1,5 200 4 FR 200 701449 39-46 electric 2,2 200 4 FR 200 707588 39-46 electric 1,5 200 4 FR 200 701477 39-46 electric 2,2 200 4 FR 200 701436 39-46 petrol 4,0 200 4 SF 60 706294 Extender for FR200 (Optional) FE 200 707387 Control unit for FR200 (Optional) Emulsion bitumen road (EBC)
Bitumen road emulsion EBC is an excellent solution for priming the base when constructing roads, in particular for the installation of layers of road clothes with impregnation and surface treatment, for the construction of thin-layer rough layers of wear, and also as part of an emulsion-mineral mixture during patching.
Parameter name EBC-1 EBC-2 EBC-3 Content of binder with emulsifier,% by weight, within 50-70 50-60 55-60 The conventional viscosity at (20.0 ± 0.5) ° С, s, within 10-65 10-25 15-25 Stability when mixed with mixtures of mineral materials: dense grain composition Does not mix Does not mix Miscible porous grain composition Does not mix Mix Miscible Cohesion with mineral materials, score, not less than 5 5 4 Residue on the screen No. 014,% by weight, no more than 0,25 0,25 0,25 Stability at storage (the rest on a sieve with a grid № 014),% on weight, no more: in 7 days 0,3 0,3 0,3 in 30 days 0,5 0,5 0,5 Stability during transportation Emulsions should not dissolve into water and astringent Emulsions should not dissolve into water and astringent Emulsions should not dissolve into water and astringent The penetration depth of the needle, 0.1 mm, not less than: at 25 °С 60 90 90 at 0 °С 20 28 28 Softening point on the ring and ball, ° С, not lower than 47 43 43 Extensibility, cm, not less than: at 25 °С 55 65 65 at 0 °С 3,5 4,0 4,0 Elasticity,%, not less than at 25°С Not standardized Not standardized Not standardized Polymer – bitumen binder (PBW)
Polymer – bitumen binder (PBW) is used in the construction of roads in order to prevent the formation of rut and impart a crack resistance to the roadway. Of particular relevance is the use of WSP in the construction of high-loaded highways, aerodrome bands, as well as bridges and tunnels. The use of polymer-bitumen binder also gives corrosion resistance. The service life of the road surface with the use of PBW is more than 2 times longer than the life of pavements constructed using standard road bitumen.
The name of indicators Norms for brands Test methods PBV 300 PBV 200 PBV 130 PBV 90 PBV 60 PBV 40 The penetration depth of the needle, 0.1 mm, not less than: at 25ºС 300 200 130 90 60 40 GOST 11501-78 at 0ºС 90 70 50 40 32 25 GOST 11501-78 Softening point on the ring and ball, ºС, not lower than 45 47 49 51 54 56 GOST 11506-73 Extensibility, cm, not less than: at 25ºС 30 30 30 30 25 15 GOST 11505-75 at 0ºС 25 25 20 15 11 8 GOST 11505-75 Temperature of brittleness, ºС, not higher -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 GOST 11501-78 Elasticity,%, not less than: at 25ºС 85 85 85 85 80 80 п.7.2.2 GOST 21.810-98 at 0ºС 75 75 75 75 70 70 п.6.2 GOST 52056-2003 Change in softening temperature after warming up, ºС no more than 7 7 6 6 5 5 GOST 18180-72
GOST 11506-73 с доп. по п.3.3Flash point, ºС, not lower than 220 220 220 220 230 230 GOST 4333-87 Coupling with marble or sand Withstands the control sample number 2 GOST 11508-74 (метод А) Uniformity Uniformly п.7.2.1 GOST 21.810-98
п.6.1 GOST 52056-2003
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