The claimed characteristics of the materials sold by us may differ only for the better
Waterbar DOS-CORNER-180/20-3/25 (PVC)
Usage: Sealing of expansion joints (formwork)
Hydrostick DOS-UGL-180 / 20-3 / 25 (AquaBarrier) – according to the classification waterproofing key formwork special angular, width of the waterstarter 180 mm (from the side of the building structure), 135 mm on the side of the existing structure, 20 mm – width of the waterproofing expansion joint , 3 – number of anchors, 25 – height of anchors. This hydraulic key is used to seal the expansion joint at the junction with the existing structure.
Waterbar DOS-UGL-210/50-3/30 (PVC)
Usage: Sealing of expansion joints (formwork)
Hydrostick DOS-UGL-180 / 20-3 / 25 (AquaBarrier) – according to the classification waterproofing key formwork special angular, width of the waterstarter 180 mm (from the side of the building structure), 135 mm on the side of the existing structure, 20 mm – width of the waterproofing expansion joint , 3 – number of anchors, 25 – height of anchors. This hydraulic key is used to seal the expansion joint at the junction with the existing structure.